This project was a last minute program I decided to write the night before the day of the 2019 PCA Rally. As a navigator for the race, I was tasked to keep track of when the driver needed to turn and what time they needed to reach certain checkpoints. Instead of calculating mentally or by hand how much the car's odometer and the given instructions are off, this program did it for me. Since I was rushed to finish the program, I was unable to smooth out and include extra features to improve the user experience. However, the program still performed very well during the competition, and my team claimed second place.
To use the program, you must input the distances given on the sheet provided at the beginning of the race into a text file. The speed is the first number and 'end' will signify the end of the checkpoint. When the program runs, input the start time of your check point, and it will calculate the time and how long it should take you to reach each turn. You can also input the actual distance it took and it produces two methods of finding the distance
the odometer should read when you reach the next turn. 'Calc Dist' simply adds the given distance to you current odometer reading you inputted. 'Calibrated' takes how much your odometer differed from the distances in the past and adjusts the distance accordingly. For example, for every 10 km your car's odometer may say you went 9.9 km. So, using that information the program can output a calibrated distance. It will also output a text file with the inputted distances when you exit it.
Check out the program here.