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Using an EV3 Lego kit and some old 3D printed parts, three other teammates and I created a mount for the Nerf N-Strike Vulcan that could automatically locate targets, move, and fire. The machine consisted of a colour sensor, two ultrasonic sensors, a driver to move the gun with two degrees of freedom, and a trigger pulling mechanism.

The mechanism would start when a green card was presented to the colour sensor and stop when three shots have been fired or when a red card is shown to the colour sensor. The ultrasonic sensor on the chair will rotate left and right to find a target. Once it does, the driver will move the gun to point in the correct direction. Next, two 3D printed forks will raise the gun until the second ultrasonic sensor mounted on the gun finds where the object is in the vertical axis. Once found, a mechanism connected to the trigger will fire the gun. If no target is found or if three shots have been fired, the gun will return to its starting position.

Quite a few issues occurred in the building process since it was our first big university project. For instance, the 3D printed forks broke on multiple occasions, due to spacing issues between the fork and Lego's rack and pinion system. We had to improvise by adding some cardboard to fill the space. The gun was also much heavier than the driver, so a five pound weight was attached to it to act as a counterweight.

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